May 10, 2021 Off


By Blaze Waters
May 8, 2021 Off

Habit pt. 1

By Blaze Waters
May 8, 2021 Off


By Blaze Waters

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Habit pt. 1

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May 8, 2021 Off


By Blaze Waters

Effort can be a fickle thing. It shouldn't be, is what most of us will argue but there are times where it's frustratingly elusive. Those times where no matter what you try to do there's no will to put in...

May 6, 2021 Off

Motivation & Self-Discipline

By Blaze Waters

People say motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - which is why we recommend it daily. Zig Ziglar. It's...

May 5, 2021 Off

Hello world!

By Blaze Waters

For the time being I will be going by my pen name/alterego Blaze Waters. I want to evolve Torched Adrenaline...

May 10, 2021 Off


By Blaze Waters

“Risk it for the biscuit” has become my new favorite saying. In life we all have to take risks. Some…

May 8, 2021 Off

Habit pt. 1

By Blaze Waters

Life is busy and it can get be easy to get distracted. If you find a project that you want…

May 8, 2021 Off


By Blaze Waters

Effort can be a fickle thing. It shouldn’t be, is what most of us will argue but there are times…

May 5, 2021 Off

Hello world!

By Blaze Waters

For the time being I will be going by my pen name/alterego Blaze Waters. I want to evolve Torched Adrenaline…

May 5, 2021 Off


By Blaze Waters

It’s easy to say pick one thing and focus on it. However, for a lot of people (myself included), there…